A while ago i saw solus finally updated to QT 5.14.2, however it was said it was choosen over 5.15 for stability reasons... 5.15 is a LTS release of QT however? Further, i don't see any progress on packaging 5.15?

    Something to note as well is that Plasma 5.21 requires QT 5.15... So i assume 5.21 will be delayed quite a bit? It's got a bunch of fixes and UI improvements that make it quite clean, so i think it would be a high priority to have.

    5.21 gonna take a while till it gets released

      Izaic @Girtablulu is the maintainer of Qt5 and Plasma. There are always compatibility issues with any minor release of Qt5. Many applications rely on private ABI symbols, despite being strongly discouraged by the Qt5 devs, as the tend to change too frequently for most software. We typically wait a few weeks to a month for the dust to settle on the new release and for those applications to get updates related to any compatibility issues. KDE/Plasma fall into this category as well.

      @Girtablulu also needs to watch out for these upcoming deprecations which will eventually break a great many applications:

      The following modules are part of Qt 5.15 release, but are deprecated and considered for removal in subsequent releases of Qt:
      Qt Script
      Qt Quick Controls 1
      Qt XML Patterns

      Having reviewed the entire Qt 5.15 changelog myself: until Plasma 5.21 is released (and stable), there's no real rush to upgrade Qt5. Please be patient.

      Izaic as @DataDrake I already have it on my radar but due massive deprecations I need to safety rebuild nearly the whole plasma stack, so I was waiting to get an update to safe some time for me for my already crampted weekends with other stuff I have to do and needs attention. We are a currated distro and volunteers so you will get your updates but not just bleeding edge (unless someone starts paying me so I can work all the time 🙂 on plasma)

      And would you have asked me on irc I could have told you that I'm working already on QT 5.15.x with all the needed patches so stuff doesn't break (which would have if I'd updated QT 5.15.1 around the release date)