Few weeks ago my deb installation on a machine by itself borked itself on updates now when its booted goes on some crazy mode say its writing shit to disk on the screen its dual boot with windows xp (I know But I need it, setup is 4-5 years old usually works great) Checked with bootup rescue disk my windows stuff is there until I backup It will be gone! Now Onto Solus 2 DAYS TRYING TO DOWNLOAD UPDATES! 165 updates something like that started it last nite from command as i always do it said journal was up to date but looked like it wanted to download different stuff I said it should know what it was doing so I let it run all nite no go was in a loop this morning restarted gnome menu all messed up crashed just restarted updates from command line again this is Ridiculous If this fails I AM DONE WITH LINUX!!! I could go on and on but I wont 2 different linux distros borked at updates is not worth it when they always use to work great!! Didnt really have any really gripes with solus usually worked great! SORRY HAD TO VENT! Simple stuff that linux has been doing from the start we shouldnt have problems with no matter what distro it is!

    Dumb question: Are you sure it isn't your hard drive that is giving up on you?

      Babushka Ah no question is dumb I havent checked that I will after I backup on the deb machine not sure whats going on with solus yet just strange it all deals with updates!! Solus is on different machine.

      @Axios "Ridiculous If this fails I AM DONE WITH LINUX!!! I could go on and on"

      ...if I had a dollar for every time I started a letter like that...πŸ™‚

      Had a bunch of solus snafus this year and last. same apocalyptic nightmares as you. no rhyme or reason I could tell. OS obliterated beyond recognition. . fancy yourself a good researcher? you're going to need to be when the OS tanks, for sure.

      I can't tell you I'm a better man for having hung in there at all...a sadder one, for sure. But still beats WindowsπŸ™‚--
      PS--I second Babushka --when I upgraded hardware recently the beatings have stopped

        brent 20 restarts from command line finally updated gnome menu bar hosed cant do anything with it...
        Wanted something simple just to use browse the net not have to worry about guess its not meant to be.....
        Um its a dell 2017 should be plenty new.. Not going worry about it now got plenty machines to use it will let me get it out my system!!! error14 and curl 18 error which I never seen during updates before usually just timeout!!

          Your debian based installation borked itself, now it is Solus... Well I am running Solus on a Dell of 2017 and it is working flawlessly. Of course I might be running a totally different model but perhaps the problem is not linux or your hardware ?

          Dual boot with Windows XP or Windows 10 doesn't make any difference regarding the installed linux system but if for some reason you think it is the case, perhaps you may consider running your Windows XP into a virtual machine so you could get rid of the dual boot (and greatly improve the security of your computer).

          Last time I had these problems, my HDD was dying, new HDD's and everything is normal, I would check your disk.
          About linux's problems, I love them, I really love when everything breaks, and I can't use anything, having to boot from an usb and solve the problem makes me fell... better?... I dunno. I'm a bit special maybe.

            YuriTheHenrique About linux's problems, I love them, I really love when everything breaks, and I can't use anything, having to boot from an usb and solve the problem makes me fell... better?... I dunno. I'm a bit special maybe.

            I used to enjoy fixing things when I was younger, but I use Solus exactly because I don't have to do stuff like that with this OS. Nowadays I want something that just works.

              Did someone just... changed the word I used and replaced with special? I've got to say, I'm surprised, it wasn't even an bad word. lol πŸ˜‚

                YuriTheHenrique Aha, seems like it πŸ˜€
                Even replaced it in my quote too. I don't even remember which word you used, but it seems like it was at least somewhat bad. (don't say it again though)

                Axios gnome menu bar hosed

                Just asking ... have you ever tried Budgie? I run it on my Dell laptop (and five other machines) , and haven't had a problem with it, ever. Occasionally there will be a minor glitch in an application, but that's not Solus' fault. Never a problem, nary a one. However, I was a bit puzzled by Gnome for a few (5) days recently. I've never actually cared for Gnome, but I wanted to experience the Solus version, mainly out of curiosity.

                Before you give up on Solus, maybe consider a different desktop? MATE has been flawless for me on a media machine that streams to my TV. And Plasma seems to have its act together pretty well, too, but it's too big and slow for my taste. My only complaint with Budgie is its limit of only 8 workspaces, but I've been able to live with that (I'd prefer 10).

                Sometimes your hardware is just having problems with Linux, its fine... there is no need to get stressed because of that.

                  Axios Are you using a UEFI setup or a MBR setup? I ask because I've had issues with my ASUS Zenbook model UX303LA using a UEFI setup. I've resorted to using a MBR setup on both my laptop and my desktop as a result. I've had no issues since switching to a MBR setup.

                    downhill Specifically, under UEFI on my ASUS Zenbook and multi-booting Debian Stable and Debian Unstable, a kernel or GRUB upgrade would result in a non-bootable system. It happened to me 2 or 3 times.

                    RLFontan Particularly with laptops!!! Has happened in both my latest laptops.... However, after a few days of not sleeping managed to fix everything =]

                      AlienTux "...after a few days of not sleeping..." that's not good for your health in a number of ways. I speak from experience.

                        downhill absolutely. I am trying to fix that because I want to live more than just a few years...