@JoshStrobl I was hoping someone could actually help me with the post you flagged. Maybe a dev or someone who idk runs the project. Instead I get my post flagged because I keep having to repost it, apparently its the worlds hardest question to answer. All you seem to be able to do is flag the post instead of trying to provide a solution or help out.
Actually help people who ask questions instead of flagging their post.
You know. I might have helped you before you came in here and started acting like an entitled child.
Josh and I work on this project in our free time while both of us hold full time jobs. We don't have time for every support request. We try to cut down duplicate discussions because it makes easier for people to find answers and it gives more visibility to unanswered questions. Neither of us has the bandwidth right now to spend days helping one person debug switchable graphics setup. Neither of us own hardware that we can even help test it on. You now have 4 separate posts on the matter and haven't received help from anyone. Apparently no one else has the time or the know-how either. Asking more times isn't going to change that outcome.
And no. I'm not the #2. Josh and I share equal footing in Solus.
But fear not. My feelings aren't hurt. But you've earned a ban. Good bye.
- Edited
Everybody which contributes to Solus does so on a volunteer basis. This means they can and do assist when possible, where possible, and do so at their own discretion.
You have posted on the matter four times on our forum alone, not including on Reddit. By the third time, you were only complaining about the responses (or in some cases, lack thereof) to discussions on the forums by folks on Reddit, e.g.
I really want to use solus, they have one of the worst forums I have experienced. I have asked 3 times with help configuring their lightdm to set the nvidia card as the primary in a hybrid laptop.
A week later, you asked:
That's pretty much the whole question, is what is a great middle of the road distro between these 2. The closest I have found is maybe solus. At the same time I have no interest in every using that distro again after the way the devs treat the users.
I have no idea what sort of "treatment" you are referring to. Most of the posts such as this one involve either members of Core Team (e.g. @DataDrake) or community members, replying to you. DataDrake answer your question directly. On most of your posts, no member of Core Team actually engaged since it was mostly the community working with you, and when @kyrios responded to a compilation issue you were having, he simply commented about the need to install an eopkg component called system.devel
You have repeatedly claimed that the Solus Team has said that the installer has "no issues".
When I inquired about the installer issues I was told there were no issues with the installer that it barely change for 4.0 to 4.1. This same person then posted saying if people want to contribute the installer has some bugs that need to be worked out.
In reality, @DataDrake stated that the issues you were having were not in fact related to the installer, which is accurate. Nobody disagreed that there are bugs with the installer.
His statement below:
None of these issues have anything to do with the installer. It has barely changed between 4.0 and 4.1. Everything else is up to changes with the utilities and libraries it relies on, which we don't develop. Not to mention kernel, mesa, and systemd updates in the time between.
Source: https://discuss.getsol.us/d/4602-are-fixes-coming-for-the-installer-issues
All of this aside, you also stated:
not a single person including the devs have tried to help
The devs are argumentative on the forum and assume no one knows what they are doing.
This is completely disrespectful to those in our community that have volunteered their time to help you when they can. For you to also go off and make posts like this is disgraceful.
You're entitled. I don't want you in our community. Enjoy your permanent suspension.