• Support
  • New computer, unable to install Solus...

I bought a new computer this month, but I am unable to get the Solus live USB to boot. This new machine has a NVIDIA RTX 2080 SUPER in it, and I think it's causing my problem because NVIDIA & any Linux distribution invariably is a problem. 🀣 Here's what I've tried so far:

Booting the Solus live USB image results with a hang and strange graphical artifacts:

A note about this behavior: I get the same hang and graphical artifacts with the Ubuntu 20.04 live USB, and the only way I can get to the installation UI is to select "safe graphics" mode. Similarly, I have to select "compatibility mode" with Linux Mint 20 to get to the installation screen. Linux Mint 20 is what I reluctantly have installed now, and I'm having issues with that currently - see here if you want to go down a rabbit hole of a different kind: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=326369

An attempt to boot the Solus live USB with the parameter "nomodeset" results in a black screen with a blinking cursor.

The parameter "nouveau.modeset=0" and "modprobe.blacklist=nouveau" both result in this with a hang:

Booting with "nomodeset" and pressing Ctrl-Alt-F2 and logging in as root, I tried the following:

eopkg ur
eopkg it nvidia-glx-driver-current
systemctl restart lightdm

Another black screen with a blinking cursor. Pressed Ctrl-Alt-F2 again. And typed:


The result:

I'm kind of stuck here. Any suggestions? Please and thank you!

I didn't realize there was an "Installing Solus" subsection of Support. Sorry about that!

    Read what you can at the help center.
    I googled your wrds error and it all seems to be about disabling noveau with some graphics card resets and bios stuff mixed in. Dull reading but we all have to do itπŸ™‚

    Are you sure those were the right commands and sequence to modify a live usb? I don' t think solus uses startx like the other distros do.
    Creating a fresh live.iso is the easy part. You just can't get your computer to accept any live USB... Good luck to you.
    Solus also has a specific way they want the usb created although likely not a factor.

      I tried creating the Solus 4.1 Budgie live USB with Rufus. I get the same results. I'm pretty sure I was disabling nouveau based on other people having similar problems in this forum. But, maybe I didn't dig deep enough.

      I will continue to find another angle at this, but I'm still at a loss.

      S O L V E D !

      Ok, after having some time to actually sit down and mess around with this, I was able to install Solus 4.1 Budgie successfully by doing this:

      I followed kaktuspalme's directions on his thread here in the Solus Forum:
      Start GUI on Solus Live 4.1 when GPU is not supported (tested on Ryzen Renoir)

      Running "startx" didn't work for me, but "systemctl restart lightdm" worked. The GUI loaded!

      I got stuck at "Examining local storage devices," but restarting the installer a few times worked. I continued with the installation and rebooted with the "nomodeset" kernel parameter again.

      Had to press Ctrl-Alt-F2 for a prompt. Logged in as the user I created at installation, and typed the following:

      sudo eopkg ur
      sudo eopkg up

      Another reboot and "nomodeset" parameter later, I typed the following:

      sudo eopkg it nvidia-glx-driver-current

      After a reboot, Solus 4.1 Budgie booted normally. πŸ˜€