• SupportQuestion
  • A question regarding restoring your system to a previous state/snapshot utility

Hey there
So there's no timeshift in the repos, so I was thinking what do you guys use to create restore points/or snapshots in case some update go south. The /home data is always saved, but having restore points of the system saves me time too if for some reason I get unlucky and in some update i bork my system. Sorry if this question was already made.

@krauser I think this is a good question, I already used the eokpg history to roll-back some installation, but not sure how good this works in case of version upgrades. In principle the referred help page states that it can be used for rolling back software upgrades.

Same here. I only use backup software to backup my data.

If you should experience an issue while booting after an update, you can always boot on the previous kernel and if you need to rollback some updates sudo eopkg hs -t is your friend. But to be frank, this is something I use on my testing VM when I test and rollback some updates but I never had to use this on my main computer which is running continuously updated for 3 and half years without any issue.

@krauser I have had to use sudo eopkg hs -t to rollback my system when I ruined things by messing with my audio drivers (JACK vs PulseAudio). I found it incredibly helpful. I feel super safe knowing I can just drop into the last kernel and do as @kyrios stated above.

I also use Deja-Dup to create snapshots of my system. I backup my data separately, but I also have relied on Deja-Dup to actually restore my entire system from / which was a huge relief when it worked.

With the way Solus is set up, I never encounter instability by 'regularly' using the system. It's only when I try to test out newly rolled out JACK support, or tweak my PulseAudio settings, or messing with my USB Wacom tablet installation that I ever encounter issues. Most of my needs to revert have been directly related to me messing around in directories I shouldn't be, but that's how I learn! Solus has been super stable for me coming up on 1 year.