barjo I don't like this headless app anymore. I'm in love with the idea of it. I'm trying to do some educational things for my commerce. Lately it clips off entire or half paragraphs on a page while preserving all content around it, or clips off half or entire pictures on a page while preserving all content around it. or thereabouts. makes me think the terminal commands are faster than the browser. it's like in a flatbed scanner where you pull the sheet of paper before the lighted wand goes from top to bottom. kind of.
I'm off-topic and complaining to an international forum that my free stuff isn't working. I'm becoming the person I roll my eyes at 🙂 right now!
Headless has promise. I will keep track of Solus patches to this app. I may take this to dev tracker to see if they respond. I think the project has a lot of value in this day and age.