• Support
  • Can't boot into latest kernel

Ok, it seems what causes this bad Solus Live launch is the fact that I have my ethernet cable connected when I boot it up? If I unplug it, it boots quick and fine.

The problem now becomes that I can't seem to have an internet connection for the boot rescue, which I need if I want to run eopkg commands.

After a while, the network service itself just crashes.

If I open the Wi-fi settings window, I get:

"Oops, something has gone wrong. Please contact your sofware vendor.

NetworkManager needs to be running."

So I tried to restart the network manager with:

systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

But eventually it'll fail with a timeout.

One time as I booted up I tried to immediately connect to my Wifi, and it kinda worked, but if I tried to open my terminal then it wouldn't work. In fact, nothing seemed to work past that point.

I also tried to only connect my ethernet cable once I had booted into Solus successfuly, but everything stops working past that point as well. I can move my mouse, but that's about it.

I'll keep trying for now, but is there something I'm missing here to get networking to work?

EDIT: But I WAS able to mount my Solus partition, and I got the error back, if it's helpful, the libcrypto error was this:

Error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1.1: Cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Looking into that specific error, it leads me to believe this is related to OpenSSL. I know there was an upgrade to that done to Solus recently. @DataDrake could this then be related to that? This happened when I tried to rollback after the OpenSSL upgrade.

Trying to run some basic eopkg commands while chrooted into my Solus instalation, I always get pisi errors, which I believe means they're eopkg errors, since it is a fork of the former.

That must mean eopkg broke somehow during the rollback, I suppose? Is there any coming back from that, or do I really have to start over?

I can't provide text logs, unfortunatelly, I can only provide it into picture format, so apologies in advance.

Running eopkg up gives me this:

eopkg up

And attempting a rollback gives me this:

eopkg rollback

    GueGuerreiro Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately I'm out of ideas on this one as well. I suspected it's a package that got deprecated which would make the rollback fail in some weird cases (looking at you megatools) but md5 missing looks even more weird.
    What you could try, from a quick search in the Solus repository is follow this thread even if it's a bit old: https://dev.getsol.us/T5310

      curtisy I appreciate your help, but I have since given up on this one. I backed up my home folder, tried to get a fresh install of Solus working, but I kept having issues booting once I installed the Nvidia drivers, so I just had to give up and I'm giving Manjaro a try for now.

      I think this thread can be closed down. Thank you everyone for your assistance.

      23 days later

      Unfortunately, it looks like I met exactly the same problem.

      I got Solus 4.1 installed on my desktop PC with GTX 1060. As soon as I installed NVidia drivers through the system built-in app manager (whether "CURRENT" driver or not, whether beta driver or not), the system could not boot into the latest 5.x Linux core (brought by the latest EOPKG upgrade). I even have no way to block the auto-installation of any new Linux kernel that can trigger this issue.

      On Manjaro Budgie I have no such GPU driver problem, but I personally feel that Solus 4.1 provides better overall experience (except this NVidia GPU hassle). Sigh. // Moreover, Manjaro Budgie has bad HiDPI handling for Qt apps.

      GueGuerreiro I figured out the solution:


      0) Perform thorough EOPKG updates to your system.

      1) Print this article as a hard paper copy:

      2) Prepare a Solus boot USB in case that anything unexpected happens. If happened, you may want to use this USB stick with the article you printed just now. // I used this a lot during the process of figuring out this solution tutorial, installing the packages required by the NVidia Driver Installer one by one.

      3) Remove the NVidia driver you installed through Solus built-in software manager, including both GUI app and the commandline EOPKG.

      4) You need to figure out how to modify your Solus system startup parameters to boot into single-user mode. NVidia Official Driver downloaded from NVidia official website requires you to perform installation in a non-GUI terminal environment, and the single-user mode is the best choice. // For UEFI-booted Solus 4.1, you press ESC to make sure the boot menu shows up, and you select the latest installed kernel boot selection, and you press "E" to edit its entry. At the end of the entry, you type a space and then type single, press ENTER, and you are booting into single-user mode.

      5) As I mentioned above, you may want to download the latest NVidia Linux Driver from their website instead. You don't have to extract it or something, just put what you have downloaded into "/root" folder.

      6) Install the following two components to make sure NVidia Driver Installer won't complaint:

      sudo eopkg install -c system.devel
      sudo eopkg install linux-current-headers


      1) Boot into single-user mode and use eopkg to uninstall the nouveau driver:

      eopkg remove xorg-driver-video-nouveau

      2) If you didn't browse to other folders, I guess your current folder at this moment should be /root, then you run:

      bash NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-XXX.XX.run

      You are recommended to also install 32-bit driver files to make sure the maximized compatibility.
      The installer will still complaint something, but it should be fine as long as it finishes its installation.
      DO NOT FORGET to set it as auto-enabled for each time X server boots up.

      After the installation finished, type exit and press Enter.
      You should see the GUI login window now.

      $ EOF.

      I don't think this method will survive the next kernel update (i.e. you would have to do it again after updating the kernel).
      I'm surprised that your GTX 1060 doesn't work, my GTX 1050 Ti has no issues with any of the available driver generations (glx, beta, developer and 390).
      It sounds like you might not be using the provided "Hardware Drivers" tool (aka DoFlicky).
      In case you're manually installing the driver through the Software Center or command line, make sure you install all the following packages:
      nvidia-glx-driver-32bit (not strictly necessary but recommended, especially if you want to play games)

      You can replace the "-glx-" part with beta/developer/390, depending on which driver version you want, though glx would be standard for your card.

      Of course you should remove the driver you installed from the Nvidia website first (I'd have to google how to do that exactly)

        ShikiSuen Did you do a full system update BEFORE using DoFlicky?

        No need to be sorry, you did nothing wrong 😉

          Staudey I cannot remember it, but I don't bother trying it again.

          Bash script for uninstalling NVidia Official Manual Driver and switch to EOPKG (do this in GUI mode):

          sudo bash /root/NVIDIA***.run --uninstall

          after that, do not reboot. Run "Hardware Drivers" immediately and let this program do the NVidia Driver installation instead. Once you have finished this process, you can reboot if prompted.

          Staudey Your said trick (DoFlicky) does work.
          This makes me wonder the essense of this issue is because NVidia driver gets installed while Nouveau driver still exists. It is not only a matter of install-uninstall drivers but also how to configure which driver is going to be used.

          Is there a cli version of "DoFlicky"?

            ShikiSuen I'm not sure DoFlicky can be used from the CLI.
            But what it amounts to (I think), in the case of Nvidia drivers, is the same as running
            sudo eopkg it nvidia-glx-driver-common nvidia-glx-driver-current nvidia-glx-driver-32bit
            Depending on the GPU (anything older than Geforce 600 series) the "-glx-" part will be replaced by "-390-", and of course the 32bit part is optional.
            (AND if you're using the LTS kernel it's nvidia-glx-driver without the "-current" 🙂)