- Edited
Ok, it seems what causes this bad Solus Live launch is the fact that I have my ethernet cable connected when I boot it up? If I unplug it, it boots quick and fine.
The problem now becomes that I can't seem to have an internet connection for the boot rescue, which I need if I want to run eopkg commands.
After a while, the network service itself just crashes.
If I open the Wi-fi settings window, I get:
"Oops, something has gone wrong. Please contact your sofware vendor.
NetworkManager needs to be running."
So I tried to restart the network manager with:
systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
But eventually it'll fail with a timeout.
One time as I booted up I tried to immediately connect to my Wifi, and it kinda worked, but if I tried to open my terminal then it wouldn't work. In fact, nothing seemed to work past that point.
I also tried to only connect my ethernet cable once I had booted into Solus successfuly, but everything stops working past that point as well. I can move my mouse, but that's about it.
I'll keep trying for now, but is there something I'm missing here to get networking to work?
EDIT: But I WAS able to mount my Solus partition, and I got the error back, if it's helpful, the libcrypto error was this:
Error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1.1: Cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory