[deleted] Budgie is beautiful by default but if you need this for some reason or just for fun: Theme: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1386774/ Icons: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1366371/ Cursor: https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1381208/
synth-ruiner at least this theme has consistent, square min/max/close buttons. I hate the way they're elongated in Windows 10, it looks so ugly. this one looks pretty good 😃
Harvey Nothing like Windows 10, the theming is too consistent to feel like Windows 10. Where is the mix of darkmode and lightmode regardless of which mode you have set and windows 95 era styled interfaces that were never updated but are some how still in Windows 10. 😛
Staudey Gotta agree with Harvey here. The icon theme is also in just one style, while it should include at least "Win 95, Win 200, Win XP, Win Vista/7, and old and new Win 10" styles, randomly distributed over the icons, to be accurate. 🙂