
Does Cisco Webex work for anyone?

When I try to 'Join Now' with Firefox (Cisco Webex Extension already added) it provides the choice -- 'download' or 'open with' the '.jnlp'. BTW 'open with' does not provide the 'javaws' choice which is already installed in the system so the only choice is to download.
When I manualy start downloaded 'CiscoWebExServlet' applet with 'javaws' (no matter which one icedtea or oracle) the following message has appeared when trying to call using computer: "The Audio device is unaccessible now."


For me it works as browser app in both Firefox and Chrome, no browser extension required. As far as I'm aware the browser extension is only for launching the desktop app, which doesn't exist for Linux (although this help page implies it the extension is useful for Linux).

Note that there are also different WebEx versions around, depending if the main server from Cisco is used or some company hosted WebEx servers.

On a company WebEx I could login and start a meeting from Firefox, but the invite link doesn't work (it complained about Linux). I could join by manually going to the main page extracted from the invite link and then entering the meeting ID and meeting PW.
The invite link worked without issues on Solus with Chrome, so maybe try it with Chrome if FF doesn't work.