I now had the same issue as you on one of my devices. So i started looking a little bit closer:
It looks like gdm (if you are running Gnome) cannot start a X-Session because of the Graphics Card interface /dev/dri/card0 not available early enough. Restarting gdm via "sudo systemctl restart gdm" fixed it for me. This error does not happen if I just restart the system. System needs to really shutdown and started again (cold boot).
Long Story:
I had the same issue as mentioned in the first post on my Lenovo Yoga 370 (running an Intel core i5-7300u. But system was accessable via ssh and Virtual Console was also available. So I looked at the boot log (check the full log here)
I think the root cause is the startup of gdm-x-session sowing that it cannot find /dev/dri/card0. This is available after boot, but (looks like) not at the time gdm tries to create an x-session. By restarting gdm it can now create the session (since /dev/dri/card0 is already available).
I think it's related to the update of xorg intel video driver or kernel from 12th June. eopkg history
shows me that xorg-driver-video-intel and kernel had been updated (intel driver mainly just as a rebuild against newer kernel):
I will look further if I can solve this issue.