brent There are no straight directions for this except trial and error. I found NO help online for this. Tutorial courtesy of my lagered brain. Launch KeepPassXC app, login, go to settings, go to browser integration button, select Chrome and Chromium. Minimize Keepass app. Walk away. Back to browser. KeePassXc browser plugin fixes everything in most browsers. Of course it is not available in Opera. Opera itself not supported in Keepass. Install this extension from Opera Store: The Keepass "lock" extension icon will be in your upper right, as usual. Right click icon OPTIONS. Scroll to bottom of page. Observe: See the fine print? Find your chrome/chromium NativeMessaging json files. Opera is allegedly built on Chrome and Chromium. I found both. Did not want to hedge my bets. Remember that fine print gobbletygook that OPTIONS wanted you to cut and paste in jason? Do it to both files. See this pic? Erase all entries, cut and paste the gobbley-gook. In my case CALA-BLAHBLAH--- SAVE both files. Go back to OPTIONS PAGE. Change some defaults. Click these things, from top to bottom: You need the native button. This helps the plugin access the keepass database. "helps." Next. Enable both autofill buttons. This is necessary. Now: Click all three misc boxes. Click auto permissions box. Click save. Open terminal (the way I do it). REBOOT. Worked for me thru two reboots. Remedy took for now. Will update if things go south. EDIT: typo-palooza
brent retracing steps: edit jason files with sudo; sudo gedit path/to/file.json since this extension is a bandaid, when you get to your desired login page, right-click 'lock icon', ask for auto-fill. possibly two irrelevant pop up dialogues may occur. cancel out of them. the only dialogue box you want is the ALLOW/DENY fill in of your credentials. you did all this work you may as well allow🙂 It will then access your existing keepassXC database.
Guillaume Hello! I found another solution : 1/ Install the Opera addon named "install Chrome extensions" 2/ Install keepassXC-browser It works for me !
brent Guillaume I bailed for Firefox immediately after posting all that. My chrome (opera) flirtation was short-lived. But opera users should be thanking you finding a simpler remedy. Outstanding job, sir.