An attacker is already attacking for 5 years without success. All he reaches in recent time is, that Linux freezes or that network-manager apparently freezes. I have to reboot then. The internet-connection is not possible before re-boot.
All I can get is apparently his IP-Address from where he is coming from :


Does network-manager need additionally protection against that it might get crashed ?!

Again with the FUD based on little-to-no research before posting about it. Did you even bother using Wireshark to see what kind of traffic it is? For all you know it's just DHCP/DNS from your router.

Sorry for FUD ... It seems in recent times I need more often to reset the cable-modem or the router ... (sometimes to re-boot Solus-Linux with network-manager - because it freezes) - the above IP consists of two IP-addresses, when I am not wrong. I have resetted the modem and the router. (Probably I need a different cable-modem.)

When this is FUD then close this thread. Pardon.

    dschinn1001 Your paranoia needs medical attention. Please seek assistance from your local medical professional.

      @dschinn1001 All I ask is that you take the time to learn more about things before you jump to conclusions. This post would have gone over much better if you asked how help identifying the source, nature, and intent of the network traffic you are observing, rather than assuming that it is some malicious entity causing you problems.

      If your cable modem or router are having issues that require resets, it's far more likely they need a firmware update or that they are getting old and need to be replaced, rather than some hacker attacking your home network.

      dschinn1001 Are all medical doctors FUD? I agree some are useless but there are others out there that can help.

      dschinn1001 For the record, that was more frustration than anger or malice. You've had several posts like this in the last few months. After awhile this follows the story of the "boy who cried wolf". Each time we have tried to express the importance of not panicking and doing a little research before jumping to conclusions. Instead of taking that to heart, you keep repeating this behavior. I don't want other people getting scared because of a misunderstanding and I apologize if that comes across as being harsh towards you.

      No - it is not harsh ... I try to improve myself ... could be that the cable-modem is paranoid too. Do laugh ... should I go to psychiatrist with Vodkafone-protocolls ?! Okay. I read now more about local networks and network-protocolls. No offense.
      I am getting old and weird ...