I started posting about this matter in another thread, but that was perhaps in bad taste. I have been told by some of the Valgrind folks that the current Solus package for the program is incomplete - here is the dialogue from IRC:
<Thaeris> Hello there, folks!
<Thaeris> ...Would someone mind giving me a few pointers on using Valgrind?
<Thaeris> Essentially, I have a 32-bit application that is not running in Solus linux, and I'd like to determine where it's segfaulting
<Thaeris> I am in turn getting these responses from Valgrind when I call the program and give the following arguments:
<Thaeris> **@** /Desktop/Space Combat 140 $ valgrind -v --log-file=./VALTEST ./"Space Combat 140"
<Thaeris> valgrind: failed to start tool 'memcheck' for platform 'x86-linux': No such file or directory
<Thaeris> **@** /Desktop/Space Combat 140 $ valgrind -v ./"Space Combat 140"
<Thaeris> valgrind: failed to start tool 'memcheck' for platform 'x86-linux': No such file or directory
<Thaeris> ...Kind of tricky to run the program if I can't get it started!
<tomhughes> well your valrgrind installation is apparently broken/incomplete
<tomhughes> I'm not familiar with that distribution so can't help in any detail
<tomhughes> but at a minimum it sounds like you don't have the 32 bit tools installed
<Thaeris> I have reason to believe there is a lack of the 32-bit version of the gcc library in the software repository
<Thaeris> However, can that library still work with 32-bit programs via the -m32 flag, or something like that?
<tomhughes> that's not relevant - the tools are statically linked
<tomhughes> what you're missing is a file called /usr/lib64/valgrind/memcheck-x86-linux or similar (depending on exactly where your distro puts things)
<tomhughes> you likely have a memcheck-amd64-linux but not the 32 bit version.
...I can indeed confirm that I have memcheck-amd64-linux installed in /usr/lib64/valgrind directory. Furthermore, I can also confirm that there is no such memcheck-x86-linux application in this directory, and I'm not sure where I'd find it, either...
That said, I'm not certain I can do much to test the application in question with Valgrind at this time. Should a 32-bit version be added such that 32-bit applications can be tested, or am I reading this situation incorrectly?