Today I reinstalled a fresh Solus 4.1, updated it & restored my home backup. Before reinstall everything was ok. Now no matter in what order I set these applets - they set themselves as they want randomly. Was there some kind of update in these parts of Budgie? Or should I delete some configuration files & set budgie from stock?
Look at the order in settings & on panel. No matter how I set it they are bugged.

    Hyserski restored my home backup

    Don't restore the whole home directory, configuration differences in versions can cause all sorts of issues. I suggest just backing up actual data, files, videos, photos etc, and then restoring those. You also have to contend with permissions issues when you restore the config files, etc.

      Justin So what you suggest now? Because I already did everything. Are somewhere budgie config files which I can delete & make new ones or budgie will run on defaults? I always back up the whole home cause Firefox profile folders, Thunderbird & other apps which I don't want to set again. 😅 For now that's the only problem I got. The rest is working fine.

      As far as I remember (yesterday night XD) my Solus was updated If that matters.

      Fix all corrupt packages with one command. Run this once.

      sudo eopkg check | grep Broken | awk '{print $4}' | xargs sudo eopkg it --reinstall

        craigtoyoracer Di as you said - eopkg reinstalled udisk. It didn't helped. I forgot to mention. Before reinstall I had problems with Budgie which disappear after budgie restart using nohup budgie-panel --replace&. This happened again ☚ī¸

        There is something more strange. When I shutdown/reboot my laptop (with only Solus installed) - when OS is shuting down i see vertical lines for My machine is HP EliteBook 2570p with i5 3340M.

          And why not create a new profile and import the configuration folders strictly necessary for some applications?

            Well. I was doing this command nohup budgie-panel --replace& every time the bug happen so i know the ,,sideway" solution... But overall I see my OS boot reallyyyyyy slow, so ironycly - I suspect my SSD is kinda dying. That may be connected to these ,,vertical lanes" showing at the end of OS shutdown... I'm gonna diagnose my SSD & post results here. Ehhh 😰

            sangheeta Because finding out which configurations folders I necessary need when I have mostly the necessary apps is just almost pointless. It's kinda obvious for me, that I want everything xD

            Ok. So I did all of the diagnostics possible (excluding memtest) - my SSD is daaamn fine. Should run for a long time according to Intel SSD Toolbox, Crystaldisk, SSD & Linux diagnostics. What I found out is strange. When I run Solus on kernel 5.4.12-144 everything works blazing fast & ,,vertical lanes" don't show up on shutdown. On kernel 5.5.7-150 Solus is booting a way slower & i have ,,vertical lanes" while shutdown. What should I do? Force Solus to boot on old kernel version?

            Forgot to mension - I updated BIOS & then I run Solus on old kernel & again on new. Results above.
            Also solution for bug of Budgie from 1-st post is still needed. For a second bug restart of budgie-panel is doing job - for now.

            Reset Budgie to defaults:
            nohup budgie-panel --reset --replace &

            Change ownership of your home folder to you:
            sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) /home/$(whoami)

              Justin Budgie fixed. Thanks!
              Now. Vertical lanes? I know it's kernel connected & that when I run on 5.4.12-144 it's fine. How can I force it to be a default kernel? Because I see only options to switch between LTS & Current - i want older current to run until the recent version will work on my machine. IS that a good idea? Or I should switch to LTS?

              Always best to be on the latest (whether that's LTS or current) kernel available as they will likely have patches for security and functionality.

              It's never good to hold back updates so if you can't run current, switch to LTS.

                Justin On 4.9.215-155.lts kernel Solus doesn't recognize at startup that lid is closed & I'm using 23" display connected to docking station. So I need to manually open laptop, change display output & close the lid - then it works until reboot. That's a no go. On 5.4.12-144.current I had no issues. 😅 What should I do?

                budgie-panel --reset --replace &


                and a restart with terminal itself will do it.mine solved.