This is just a rather silly question but I was just wondering why the help center page on it still exists since it no longer supports Linux.
That's all

    I would assume because no one has pointed out that they abandoned the Linux client before.

    Gotcha', I will do that (:
    EDIT: I opened an issue on Github

    I have found what might be solution for you, if the game dose not launch, try this

    Source: Youtube

    navigate to "/home/username/HoN/libs-x86_64" and find "". Rename it to anything like "". This will cause the game to use the system version. Sorry took so long! I found the issue though

      DataDrake Ok, honsetly didn't even open that post i was just reminding myself of what i saw on youtube. But whatever helps the best ! The game has low player base its strange they are closing support. They might lose more than they will gain.