Axios Hehe. I hear you. I have about 25. I ended up bricking the machine and then completely nuking the partitions and boot manager and starting from scratch. Solus would not install despite best attempts. I am stumped as to why at this point but I was capable of getting POP_OS! 19.10 to install (I needed to disable encrypted drive as the keyboard was not supported when booted in but after that works fine.).
I will do some digging around some more when I have more time to play with it, but I may wait for Solus to update to 4.2 =p and see how POP_OS does when it gets to the 20.04 release since it's Ubuntu and Debian based. The latest Ubuntu 20.04 nightly borked on installing (despite a previous working) so feel like maybe some patience here might be a good idea. Lol.
I think the biggest issue here for me is not really understanding what precisely is going wrong. I will go read up a bit more about EFI nad new bootloaders and what mystic things Apple is doing differently. LIke I said, I love the hardware of the Macbook 12" 2016 but at this point, probably looking at a new LG Gram 14" when they're out in a month or so to just make life easier on myself. =]