Hi everyone! I am a fairly gamer and I went from Manjaro to solus. On manjaro, there was in the AUR a kernel package named linux-fsync (it allowed me to use fsync support). Is there anyway to use it on Solus? Because I really love fsync and Solus....

EDIT: I am speaking about this package: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/linux-fsync/

I'm not going to patch the kernel with non-standard syscalls. This not only would require having to rebase the patch every release, but also assumes that the code will eventually get merged, which is still in heavy discussion. You'll have to wait until this gets merged upstream.

Ok, I understand as well! Thanks a lot, I'll just wait then

11 days later
12 days later
10 months later

It's not yet in the mainline kernel and also not in the kernel shipped by solus. We will have to wait until is in the official kernel, see statement above.