This is how I’ve manage to install DCP-1610WE in Solus.
Printer is connected via USB.
Before you will proceed check if your Brother printer is not already supported
You could also request your Printer to be included at
Otherwise you need to install printer manually.
Following packages needs to be installed:
- rpm
- a2ps
- glibc-32bit
- psutils
- libusb-compat
You can install them by searching for them in Software Center.
After that go to Brother site, search for your printer and download ‘Driver Install Tool’.
For me it was:
Now open terminal.
linux-brprinter-installer has number 2.2.1-1 and was downloaded to Downloads
printer model is DCP-1610WE
Please note that if you have other installer number or model number change the following code accordingly.
To move to Downloads folder enter:
cd /Downloads
To extract printer installer enter:
sudo gunzip -v linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.1-1.gz
To run the tool enter:
sudo bash linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.1-1 DCP-1610WE
Accept all with exception to "Will you specify the DeviceURI ?" for which press ‘n’.
You also might need to change Page Format from Letter to A4 in Libre Office.
For scanner to work you have to install the brscan4 package via Software Center.
Hope it will help.