After packages were installed during an upgrade this weekend on both of my machines, attempts to reload a daemon (systemd?) failed because access was denied. Exact output:
[✓] Syncing filesystems success
[✓] Updating dynamic library cache success
[✓] Updating clr-boot-manager success
[✓] Running depmod on kernel 5.4.12-143.current success
[✓] Updating hwdb success
[✓] Updating graphical driver configuration success
[✓] Updating system users success
[✓] Updating systemd tmpfiles success
[✗] Reloading systemd configuration failed
A copy of the command output follows:
Failed to reload daemon: Access denied
[✗] Re-executing systemd failed
A copy of the command output follows:
Failed to reload daemon: Access denied
[✓] Compiling glib-schemas success
[✓] Updating mimetype database success
[✓] Updating icon theme cache: hicolor success
[✓] Updating icon theme cache: default success
[✓] Updating icon theme cache: breeze_cursors success
[✓] Updating desktop database success
[✓] Updating GTK3 input module cache success
[✓] Updating manpages database success
[✓] Updating SSL certificates success
[✓] Reloading udev rules success
[✓] Applying udev rules success
After rebooting both machines though due to my keyboard layout reverting to QWERTY (g-r-r-r), everything worked fine.