mohids Do you think a Thinkpad T420 would be able to handle Solus Budgie very well? Would it be a smart idea to install Solus onto one?
DJSupertel Run it from a live Solus USB to check everything works before installing. I have been informed that Thinkpads are quite Linux friendly but its always sensible to burn the ISO to a USB and try it in live mode first.
thesivo I happen to use Solus Budgie on a ThinkPad T420. It runs flawlessly and I could not see a reason why it shouldn‘t, apart from very CPU or GPU intensive tasks, which are of course limited by the aged hardware. So go for it!
Bouquins I own a T530, a W520, an X200, an X201, and an R400. All of them are running Solus without any issue. Solus just works perfectly on these machines.