Thanks for all the replys so far. I did try all that. The only thing I didn't try is to reinstall the game, because I lack the storage to do so. I am running it from the ntfs partition and is already installed. Wine is set to behave as windows 10.
I can't make any Blizzard game work at all. But path of exile works flawlessly. Also glxgears, vulkaninfo and such seems to be working properly as far as I understand it.
Thanks for all the good will to try and help me.
Snoober, thanks for taking your time to answer, I did see your post before posting this one, but since they were things I did try, I thought of asking for further help. I did all the commands you pointed out in your post in this reply, but didn't work. Maybe I will try to put fedora again, see if I can get everything working and then try to find out why I can't do the same in Solus.
Or I might buy more storage around march, then I can try to install solus and reinstall wow on solus trough lutris and see if it works. I will wait a bit more for a magical answer that might let me use it, if not, I will try fedora.
You are all awesome,
Best Regards,