Hi, I came across this app that has a lot of support on some other systems. Would it be possible to get it to work on Solus? https://www.thefanclub.co.za/overgrive
It does cost $5 one time fee to work with one Google account
Hi, I came across this app that has a lot of support on some other systems. Would it be possible to get it to work on Solus? https://www.thefanclub.co.za/overgrive
It does cost $5 one time fee to work with one Google account
Plasma has the software kio-gdrive to integrate google drive into dolphin but for free
Girtablulu good to know. I am not running Plasma DE on Solus but I may put it on another laptop when it hits a stable phase
streambinder ...I am not running Plasma DE on Solus but I may put it on another laptop when it hits a stable phase
Why wait for Plasma Stable? If nautilus
and gnome-online-accounts
packages are installed, then also Gtk-based DEs have Google Drive nicely integrated into Nautilus file manager.
There is also Insync in Software Center: Third Party. It costs money. Their website has details.