JoshStrobl Yes, I take the security and stability of our user's systems seriously, as well as ensuring they're not being put in legal jeopardy. Like many, I use Solus on production systems, where the expectation is the software being delivered is being as well tested and stable as possible, with QA by the developers of the project. You're introducing packages which present possible ABI conflicts, which will result in breakages on user systems, that's not acceptable to me.
It's not acceptable to me neither, that's why I'd expect you to be collaborative and give meaningful hints on how things could be improved. And that's definitely not discouraging people from using others works case.
JoshStrobl We hold user-provided repositories to the same standards as our own repository.
Which means costs. I agree with the fact that standards should be followed, but if the standard is way to strict and does not allow further implementations, well, it just cannot represent a standard, but a single implementation.
JoshStrobl Finding "ploys" very much sounds like to me like "find ways to potentially skirt or violate copyrights, intellectual properties, software licenses, EULAs / ToSes without bringing attention to oneself", which is absolutely not something I condone.
Really? You really think my work is relying on finding way to fool the system ? I my opinion it's just pushing people and developers to find ways to invent some solutions, as a chance to learn and practice with something new. That's the same thing that led me to host a eopkg
repository without even get any help from you. And I don't mean to criticize here, it's just a matter of fact.
JoshStrobl They're built with specific usecases in mind and we don't enable configuration options excessively.
Exactly. Then read my next answer to @DataDrake.
JoshStrobl On the contrary, we've brought on board more global contributors, have more regular contributors, have more people empowered to contribute and engage. What I do care about is ensuring that everybody is held to high standards.
I'm sure of that and I really hope you handle things differently there, then.
JoshStrobl That argument would maybe carry more weight if we weren't working on tooling like ypkg3, improved ferryd, etc. to make it easier to onboard more developers. I would like however to mention that we do not target the Linux community as our general userbase, that's 2% of the global computing market at best, so having people use Solus and not know what Linux is would be an honor. Because they shouldn't need to know the kernel they're running, the init system, various libraries, etc.
Please, romanticism apart. That's exactly the reason why I chose Solus. Everyone here is expected to know what Linux - cause otherwise they'd be sticking to Windows/MacOS -, not everyone to know how it's done internally, though. What I mean? Maybe it's just my case, but you're not anyhow encouraging me to help you in any way getting Solus better. And that's basically what's relying on a community is for, right?
DataDrake We also are usually pretty responsive to requests to enable things if there's good reason.
Exactly, again. Is is needed for Pantheon dependencies a good reasoning, if everytime Pantheon word pops out you all get out of your mind?
JoshStrobl Building on "ploys", your way of getting it "sorted" was repackaging their deb file, which is still putting it into a binary and redistributing their files. This is still in violation of their Code Review License, not to mention their Terms. Their Code Review License is for review-purposes only and is non-transferable, and their Terms clearly state that you shall not "resell or otherwise supply our services to anyone else without our prior written consent", consent which you obviously didn't have, and services including the redistribution of their software.
Dude, seriously. Ploy was about making redirections over a virtualhost to make traffic be generated just over GitHub infrastructure, relying on their Releases functionality.
Speaking of MEGAsync case, which is the only one which seems to be the only package not compliant to the license, I thank you for the advise. Will proceed on removing that one from the repository if there's no way to get it. That's a way to help.
Your technical skills impressed me.