What applications are those with color blue?

I also have this issue with Google Play Music Desktop Player. The tray icon is huge compared to the others. 😕 Especially once you have a lot of icons from different apps in the tray, it starts to look really funky.

I had this with open-drive and hexchat, but fixed them.

    • Hexchat is easy, just copy the .png icons to $HOME/.config/hexchat/icons. I made some icons using inkscape and I uploaded them in github.
    • Same with telegram. The icons should be placed to $HOME/.local/share/TelegramDesktop/tdata/ticons. You can find on github a lot icons for telegram. For telegram I have found a script to generate icons as much as you want. This is the script.
    • About odrive. I have packaged it localy using my icons for tray.