I use Blender for designing and I've been testing viewport performance in Linux and in Windows. It seems to be better in Windows, but I'm not sure why. I want to try to remove mesalib after I have installed Nvidia proprietary drivers. Is this safe to do or will I break my system?
Is it safe to remove mesalib?
No, it's not safe remotely.
Could it be possible then that Blender is using the MesaLib OpenGL instead of the Nvidia drivers one? Or am I just talking nonsense?
DataDrake That's actually kinda what may be my problem, if I understand correctly. I've been trying to figure out why these issues arise. I actually made a post in blenderartists -> https://blenderartists.org/t/viewport-performance-is-better-in-windows-than-in-linux/1182401/14
Some suggested that I should blacklist the Nouveau driver in order to only use the proprietary one.
Ever since I've had Linux in this laptop I've had issues installing different distros. I tried Manjaro, for example, but it never boots because of the Nouveau driver. I actually had a few issues when installing Solus as well, but after I install the proprietary drivers these issues (OS completely freezing) go away. Had the same problem with Linux Mint.
Could it be possible that the Nouveau driver and my specific laptop (or laptop make) have issues with one another? And if so, is there a way to blacklist the Nouveau driver in Solus?