Hi. I've been running Solus for a while on my laptop, and it's absolutely amazing.
As for my problem: I installed the Nvidia drivers just after installing Solus, and everything worked fine. I'm now trying to run Solus without these drivers installed (to make Solus use the integrated graphics and improve my battery life). I've encountered many problems after uninstalling the Nvidia driver: reboot/shutdown UI buttons not working (neither "poweroff" nor "shutdown" work in the CLI either), "powertop" command not working anymore, login taking ages (> 20 seconds), some apps taking > 20 seconds to appear/load content (so far I've seen the settings app and gparted do this). I also have apps freeze out of nowhere.
I reinstalled the Nvidia drivers and now everything works fine again. That said, I'd like to have a setup that does not use my dGPU. Not only for battery life, but also because using the iGPU gets rid of screen tearing (quite noticeable when scrolling content on the dGPU)
Anyone have an idea on what may be causing my problems?
anon@powerpc ~ $ linux-driver-management status
╒ Hardware Platform
╞ Platform Vendor : HP
╘ Platform Model : 836B
NVIDIA Optimus
╒ Primary GPU (iGPU)
╞ Device Name : Device 591b
╞ Manufacturer : Intel Corporation
╞ Product ID : 0x591b
╞ Vendor ID : 0x8086
╞ X.Org PCI ID : PCI:0:2:0
╘ Boot VGA : yes
╒ Secondary GPU (dGPU)
╞ Device Name : GP107M [GeForce GTX 1050 Mobile]
╞ Manufacturer : NVIDIA Corporation
╞ Product ID : 0x1c8d
╞ Vendor ID : 0x10de
╞ X.Org PCI ID : PCI:1:0:0
╘ Boot VGA : no
LDM Providers for GP107M [GeForce GTX 1050 Mobile]: 2
- nvidia-glx-driver
- nvidia-390-glx-driver