Dear Sirs,
How do i circumvent a MITA (man in the middle attack), for the last 6 years, there have been ec2-AWS Host Spider Bots, for lack of better terms, "sitting" on my optical network terminal that intercept the 3-way encrypted handshake, and thus redirect, block, and cause general problems. I have blocked the IPv4 addresses with the Modem T3200M (based on 'Busy-Box'), but to no avail, I've taken the following steps to remedy this: changed DNS servers once a week, leave ONT & modem power unplugged until ready to use, changed account phone number with ISP several times @ $25 a pop, replaced 12 modems, changed ONT 4 times, reinstalled OS a dozen times, changed the network name to a JS Error associated with bots, switched to a 4 year old modem with totally different settings,
asked the ISP to ban the Bots, which triggered a Ddos attack which lasted 12 hours the first time, 8 hours the second.
Additionally, after boot-up, of computer and modem, my homepage is the modem main front page, I log in, and check the NAT table, which has traffic from: Google of Amsterdam Netherlands, Rochester Institute of Technology, and CloudFlare, among many others.
I don't think I caused this by streaming to twitchTV.......
ANY help would be greatly appreciated even for my ISP as well.
Thank you for your love