Last post is from April, I know you're busy with doing a real Solus work but some updates on the blog would be appreciated. Thank you and keep doing the great job with Solus.

    jass If you are interested in the daily activities of Solus, you can have a look at the Dev Tracker or join the Solus channels on IRC.
    Blog posts are about important announcements, not about posting because a certain laps time has passed!

      Lifespan of bog posts is quite short, unless they're specially treated 🙂

        3 years later

        Coming back to this topic.
        I believe it would be fine for Solus team to start communicating about weekly changes that happens and also highlight some futur plan or just keep the principal news of the week, i mean it would help people we talk about Solus to know what actually on-going
        i know Solus is more like a plug and play distro but letting people know what's happening on the inside isn't a bad idea

          • [deleted]

          Blog is quite a place, indeed.

            unclemez I believe it would be fine for Solus team to start communicating about weekly changes that happens and also highlight some futur plan or just keep the principal news of the week, i mean it would help people we talk about Solus to know what actually on-going

            communication not as consistent or frequent as it used to be, but note the weekly stickies for various issues by the team regarding different things. we're in the loop on a lot of current going-ons. a lot of people say IRC is where all the info is at, not here but I don't IRC.

            I am quite content with the level of communication from the team.

            unclemez While I certainly agree that more frequent blog updates would be beneficial to the project and our users, please don't resurrect three year old forum threads ^^
            (Though it was interesting to see that even back then there were some complaints about that)

              unclemez To be fair we don't have a rule about bumping old threads written down anywhere, but we probably should add that to our community guidelines (it's generally frowned-upon in most online forums I've been part of). New topics are fine if all existing topics are really outdated. No biggie in any case.

                • [deleted]

                Staudey Just make a megathread for each frequently asked question