I'm trying to build some packages which require a dependency which is both in my local repository and in Solus one.
I need to prioritize my local one: online I found out that in order to do that I need to remove_repos to pop out Solus repository and then to add_repos to add it back after the local one. So, assuming my local repository is defined as Local:

 remove_repos = ['Solus']
 add_repos = ['Local','Solus']

With this modification I can see Solbuild is updating indexes in the correct order, but when it needs to pick the dependency which is in both, it always gets it from Solus repository (even though in my local repository it has greater release number).
Is someone able to help me?

The eopkg inside the local repo must to have the higher release version and did you run make local?

Girtablulu Maybe I structured my repository bad, but I don't have any Makefile, I just run solbuild build (relying on a package.yml manifest) to build it.

    kyrios Thank you, but I already studied that documentation. I just didn't want to forcely switch to the unstable repo and give priority to my local repository, without having to import common repository, nothing else.
    After some tests, I found out that in solbuild's profile file instructions order actually matters. With something like this I obtained what I wanted:

    remove_repos = ['Solus']
    add_repos = ['Local','Solus']
    uri = "/home/streambinder/path/to/local/repository"
    local = true
    autoindex = true
    uri = "https://mirrors.rit.edu/solus/packages/shannon/eopkg-index.xml.xz"

    Thank you anyway.

      streambinder I just didn't want to forcely switch to the unstable repo and give priority to my local repository, without having to import common repository, nothing else.

      You know, next time you should add important info like that to your post ^^