Emperor kyrios For me not xD Just that was the first thing that come to my mind for my defence. But I will still admit that Justin nailed it- it looks like against NSA it's useful only if you have something offline- not in the logs of corporations...making it pretty limited. Still tough for everyday security it makes a lot of sense to keep everything you don't want to share locally. But I am still almost wrong about governments/NSA as they really have other ways of accessing your information. So against them can local storage help? If used to store password for Riot for chatting(have no idea if that makes any sense, but I will still throw it here) or something else?
Staudey Who needs password managers, when you can just use the most secure password for everything? https://mostsecure.pw/
Emperor Staudey The most general rule for privacy and security after Don't put anything you don't want to share with the world on the net(kyrios)...is probably Don't put all of your eggs in one basket Also you should prefer to generate passwords locally instead from a website + KeePassXC gives you the choice to use ExtendedASCII- making a far more complicated password.
brent I got the joke when I clicked the link🙂 I have a booklet of good passwords. Eventually I will delegate them into an offline password manager with a traveling kbdx file if necessary. My passwords will never be online. And never be in the cloud on purpose. This sounds like a plan to me. The nsa bothers me not--I am boring all around.***Online trackers building personality/financial profiles of me and you bother me a lot more. Firefox Pocket suggestions and Youtube suggestions terrify me. At least I could diable pocket. kyrios --I love when you chime in with the common sense to remind us all of online decorum/protocol. Thank you all for the fantastic perspectives. I got what I needed: SOLVED. edit: added a bit
Nacho_Trebuchet [deleted] The browser extension allows full control of the manager for those who prefer not installing Snaps, Flatpaks, or AppImages.
Nacho_Trebuchet You can also consider a stateless password manager like LessPass. No database involved. Personally I use Bitwarden.
madlotus MasterPassword doing the job well without backups on any cloud https://masterpassword.app/ working on iOS, Android, Mac, Desktop, Terminal and Web. take a look! edit: terminal version integrated by default on solus could be awesome too