I've been a Linux dabbler since 1999, Debian Potato being my very first foray. I've used various distributions over the years, and I would call my self a 'Mid-Power User'. I am not, however, a software developer. I've spent some time with Python 3 and JavaScript, but by no means am I an expert.
That said, what would be the very best way to get involved with a project like Solus? Of all the distro's I've seen and fiddled with over the years, I really like the whole methodology of this team, and love the Distro in general.
Sink into development? Finally nose-dive in and just do it? What language would be good to learn hardcore if I wanted to work on this sort of project?
I have quite a bit of experience with technical writing, and marketing, and also a fair bit of graphic design experience.
Any suggestions? All are welcome.