So I've been trying to use the latest versions of TexLive and Pandoc beause the repository ones are a bit old. There are already tasks to update them, but I understand it may take a while.

I read about how to install TexLive and Pandoc and turns out I pretty much only have to add the /bin folders to PATH.

I found this but for the life of me I cannot find a way to use ~.profile or ~.bash_profile

The only way I actually managed to get my folders to automatically load into PATH was to edit my first .sh file and add these 2 lines I needed:

if [ -d "$HOME/bin/pandoc/pandoc-2.7.3/bin" ]; then
  export PATH="$HOME/bin/pandoc/pandoc-2.7.3/bin:$PATH"

if [ -d "$HOME/bin/texlive/2019/bin/x86_64-linux" ]; then
  export PATH="$HOME/bin/texlive/2019/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH"

I know there has to be a better way, but I simply don't know how. Could anyone please help me out please?

Typically you edit your path via files like .bashrc, .profile, .cshrc, etc.

    dbarron Yes, I know. I just didn't know how to do that since I couldn't find .bashrc nor .profile

    UPDATE however: I created a .bashrc on my $HOME folder and it's working now... However, according to this response I should NOT use .bashrc to add environment variables... How should I go about this then? I mean... it's working... but is there a better way?

    Did you delete .bashrc from your home folder? Because it's there in normally created accounts.

      Justin nope, I didn't delete it. Although now that you mention it... Perhaps I did. I switched from Linux Mint to Solus, but I keep my home folder in a separate partition in order to keep my files and some configs. Perhaps I deleted it when migrating and Solus didn't re-create it because it wasn't a "fresh" install?

      But my question still stands. I'm not supposed to add environmental variables to .bashrc. I'm supposed, according to the link I mentioned, to add them to either .profile or .bash_profile. I created both of them and neither worked. Do I have to do anything else?