
I'm a linux-mint user and I want to migrate on Solus Budgie.

But, I've got a problem. I would like to know how to install vdhcoapp, also known as Companion app.

That sofware included with the Firefox and Chrome extension Downloadhelper.

On the webpage, only .tar.gz and .deb are provided and that's a real problem to me.

Thank you.

either I'm looking at the wrong page or you can download this via addonstore but for this kind of stuff I use youtube-dl

Like I said, the Video Download Helper addon is available on Firefox on Solus.

This is the Companion app who is difficult to install because only .targz and .deb packages are provided on the official website of the add-on.

I'd wish how to know to install it on Solus so. Solus who is not a Debian based OS.

And YouTube-dl don't worth it for what I want to download. Video download helper companion app is more specific.

It has the installation instructions below if you click "Extra step required to complete install" 🤔

I tried it on my live session and it works. Thank you so much. 😀

    algent I'm glad someone asks. 😁

    This application is not a desktop application.

    It works with Downloadhelper making it more stable and robust. It lets me install every videos on the web (with Firefox)

    Youtube-dl, not really : some videos.

      alan-g59 Thank you!

      installed them both This app and firefox extension.

        2 years later

        I couldn't install just for user. In terminal, it stated it was ready but it was nor working nor showing up as installed when I looked at the extensions preferences. I could do a system-wide install, but I had to create a /usr/local director. It works, but I'd hoped it would have been user-wide instead.

          Vithos all that information is 2 years old. You should find it at the extension store for your browser. It's an addon. It's at version 7.40 @ the firefox addon store.
          It's a sucky addon--works 50% of the time. For the other 50% it insists you download the "companion app" to this extension. I agree with algent: youtube-dl works*. When it doesn't work I activate this extension. Again, if it works.
          *youtube-dl does not download if the filename is too long and I have no idea how to get around that.