The forum has been updated to Flarum v0.1.0-beta13. Originally I was intending on updating Flarum v0.1.0-beta14 however there is too many extensions which are incompatible with it, so I opted to downgrade it to keep things as stable as possible, though beta13 is still a considerable upgrade compared to our previous version. I also kept our older version of the fof/nightmode
extension to ensure our dark theme adjustments continue to work as expected. I'm sure some of you will be happy to know however that I have disabled the Prevent Necromancy extension. Most people seemed to not respect it anyways 😃
This update was done in response to some random sudden issues reported by our users, such as email change issues as well as some issues related to double posting.
Occurred On. 2020-11-02T23:47:00+02:00
P.S: Turns out the mail issues was just SendGrid having degraded services. An upgrade never would've been technically necessary. But hey, nice to have anyways.