I have been using Solus about 6 weeks now, and continue to be very impressed. It is beautiful, elegant and intuitive. The fonts are great. For example, the start menu is configured to be very easy to read (once I increased the fonts for my post-cataract-surgery eyes). I have two other Linux systems, but have a hard time staying away from Solus. It seems to be getting to be home for me. I may install it on my wife's laptop (which is high praise indeed; anything she will accept will have to be easy to use, stable and nice-looking. Everything her husband is not. Well, maybe the third part is still true. But her eyes are even worse than mine, so it wouldn't matter anyway). anyway,
What you people have done is amazing. To build a "Linux from scratch" OS is impressive in itself, but to build one this good is remarkable. I'll be looking to donate as soon as it becomes possible. Also, I think Solus will be moving up in the Linux world, once more people become aware of it and try it. This forum also helps, it looks great and is more inviting than the last version. Great job all around!