retrowertz No, where did you get that thought?
retrowertz No, where did you get that thought?
The goal is to fully deprecate 3rd-Party, however for specific applications like Chrome where there is neither an officially-supported flatpak nor a snap, those will use the current legacy system.
Getting rid of that devoted page will be heartbreaking (I've come to know it and love it) but I know you guys and girls are aiming at streamlining.
Will these 3rd party apps be transferred to the 3rd Party tab in Software Center? Or will these current things be exclusively Snap? Or undecided?
WIll they be maintained by you or independent of you? Or the way it is now: maintained but with the "install at your own risk" disclaimer you have in the SC?
So many questions, sorry!
JoshStrobl And what about AppImages, are there plans to support them in the future AppCenter? Thanks