My keyboard layout seems to have been permanently changed to US-us all of the sudden.

Since my password contains a non US-us character, this has been extremely hard to deal with for me.

I had to uninstall lightdm, as I could not login otherwise, since the on-screen keyboard {onboard} does not provide a layout switcher option, while sddm's on-screen keyboard does.

I was able to login via tty to do this this, I had set up the correct layout via localectl in the past, from a thread I saw a while ago.

Once I log in via GUI, I notice that the keyboard indicator is set at PT {Portuguese}, which would be the correct value. However, everywhere I type it seems to ignore that and follow the US Layout regardless.

The input method on "Region & Language" shows that only the Portguese input is allowed.

Running locale I get this:


And running localectl I get this:

System Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
VC Keymap: pt-latin1
X11 Layout: pt

I'm at a loss about what I should do, and it's really making it impossible for me to use Solus right now. If I dual boot to Windows, everything seems fine. Is there anything else I can try?

Thanks in advance.

    Hi, GueGuerreiro

    I'm having the same problem, although my keyboard layout has changed from Portuguese to UK (UK it the original layout of this keyboard). Yesterday everything was fine.

    When I go to settings>region & language>input sources and I click on the eye icon in the Portuguese option it does not show the image of the keyboard layout as it should.

    But when I do the same thing in the English (UK) option the keyboard layout image for this language is shown.

    The strangest thing is that after I noticed this I changed the layout to English (UK) and back to Portuguese to see if anything happened. For a few minutes (before I restarted the laptop to see if this would fix itself) all of the keys were still English (UK) except for 2: if I pressed shift + 2 the computer would register the " symbol, as it does in Portuguese, instead of the @ symbol, as it does in English (UK). However, after restart, shift + 2 went back to @ ...

    Did you have any luck since your post? Anyone else?

    Any help would be appreciated. Thank in advance.

      Alright, I followed @dbarron's advice and did a rollback before the update. It fixed the issue.

      The problem seems to stem from the update to the xkeyboard-config package.

      Although the version 2.26-9 says

      Cherry-pick af6c0f29 (Fixed broken pt layout) from upstream.

      It seems to actually be causing said broken layout. After the revert, I installed only that update, rebooted and sure enough, the layout was broken again.

      I guess I'll open up a bug report.

      computerilliterate See above. And looking back, yes, I think mine had changed to the UK layout as well. I'm no layout expert 😛 but my " was also a @

      EDIT: Opened T7990

      • [deleted]

      • Edited

      @Justin No, sorry, it's not totally solved. I use IBus for asian characters, but i always keep the US layout. Before, I could change IBus layout and the applet also changed...

        [deleted] This thread is in relation to GueGuerrerio's issue. If you are having a different issue please create a new post.

          5 days later

          GueGuerreiro Thank you for taking the time to tell me and for opening the bug report.

          And a big thank you for the people that solved the issue.