Plus how do I uninstall?
lstopo? elementary config?

neither are in SC. neither are in eopkg. neither in flatpak. nothing compiled and no packages outside those two sources.
so can't find rundeps or revdeps.
before I pinpoint this stuff in a file manager search...what the heck is this stuff?

just leaning out install. I don't have a lot of free space. thank you

lstopo comes from hwloc and elementary-config from efl.

    would set as solved but I don't have the option. thanks!

    1--hwloc is something solus has in place to treat older kernels. that should not be removed I think?
    2--efl are Enlightenment foundation libraries and don't really have a function...and safe to remove?

    That's from cursory reading..
    ..are either of my assumptions true?
    asking in the interests of housekeeping, not to do anything reckless
    thanks! edit: change word
    second edit: I think I need ELF too after reading more...

    ...I've never seen these GUIs and believe me I go through my menu a lot to see what I may have dragged in while playing around. they must be new. Hard to believe I may of missed them but ya never know


      I'm not 100% sure on hwloc, but it's needed by intel-tbb, which itself is needed by quite a number of packages

      Reverse Dependencies: rkcommon easyeffects rocrand intel-tbb-devel openimageio
                            vcmi python-numba VTK intel-tbb-dbginfo ispc opencascade
                            openvkl openimagedenoise openvdb embree mold freecad
                            intel-tbb-32bit opencv blender ospray opensubdiv

      So quite a good chance that something on your system depends on it.

      efl on the other hand you only need if you use rage or terminology

      Btw, if you want to know what package a certain binary comes from I recommend the following process

      1. Find the full path to the binary (not necessary, but can help narrow things down if the name is not exactly unique)
        which lstopo 
      2. Find out which package the path belongs to
        eopkg search-file /usr/bin/lstopo
        Searching for /usr/bin/lstopo
        Package hwloc has file /usr/bin/lstopo

        Staudey think I auditioned terminology once before settling on alacritty. Thanks for whichcommand I forgot all about that!