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  • Linux Mint software manager with Xfce.

With Solus 4.7 having been released it seems solus-sc is effectively being deprecated (At least, from my understanding.)

As per the announcement they've suggested that users try out GNOME Software and Discover, though neither of these fit all too well within Xfce. A such, I'm curious if Linux Mint's software manager might be added to the repositories should solus-sc be deprecated. I understand that a better solution is required, and that functionality would likely take priority over stylistic integration, though I believe this might be worth consideration.

(Apologies if this is the wrong place for such topics, I'm not entirely familiar with where these types of questions would go.)

To my understanding their SC does not use the same backend that Discover, Gnome-Software, Cosmic-store do (packagekit) which means there is no way for it to function. Their SC is tied to deb packages, so it is not possible.

It also does not cover firmware upgrades like the others do.

    Harvey speaking of cosmic

    $ eopkg sr cosmic
    cosmic-panel-dbginfo       - Debug symbols for cosmic-panel
    cosmic-app-library         - Application launcher for COSMIC desktop
    cosmic-applets             - Applets for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
    cosmic-app-library-dbginfo - Debug symbols for cosmic-app-library
    cosmic-panel               - Panel for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
    cosmic-comp-dbginfo        - Debug symbols for cosmic-comp
    cosmic-icons               - Icon theme for the COSMIC Desktop Environment
    cosmic-applets-dbginfo     - Debug symbols for cosmic-applets
    cosmic-comp                - Compositor for the COSMIC Desktop Environment

    I dislike gnome-software anddiscover. Which one is the cosmic package manager itself? Or was that to come? I forgot, sorry.

      None of them. We will keep an eye on cosmic-store to see if there is a value add as it develops.

      The other cosmic stuff was added to make testing some stuff easier for staff and is not a commitment to supporting it. Its still very early days for Cosmic.