When I'm in a full screen game and hit the Super key, I would like to interact with the Budgie panel or select another window without disrupting my game application. Right now (taking Forza 4 as an example) if I am in full screen and hit Super, the game will either stay on top of the Budgie panel so I can't interact with it, or the game application itself with pop out into Windowed mode if I try to switch apps or alt-tab (some will minimize, but it's hit or miss for me.)

On GNOME I can hit Super to enter that Exposé mode where I can move between applications, change audio settings, and whatnot and then return to the full-screen game. I'm not sure how Budgie's Magpie differs in window management, but is there a way to get a similar result?

I switched over to GNOME for now because this issue is critical for me (I play on live streams with others), but I would love to switch back to Budgie if I could find a solution.

Sorry if that was unclear, it's a little hard to explain.