- Edited
I have on my laptop a up-to-date fresh install of solus with Budgie and :
- a trackpad
- a trackball on keyboard
- an external wireless mouse with it dongle
- a wired mouse for test
1 . When I put the click-policy to simple all these devices work.
2 . But when I put click-policy to double, the external wireless usb mouse do nothing... (here my first problem)
I also see the trackball on keyboard do nothing...
Only the trackpad work and my old wired mouse for testing too...
3 . when I return the click-policy to simple all devices work again..
I spend time to find which config kill my mouse but I have found it and it is the only one...
lsusb list my mouse in all case.
Anything to do to get a working external mouse with double clic policy