@Lucien_Lachance brent
I used Budgie from 2017, but moved to Plasma in the Spring/Summer of 2022 when I migrated to a 14" laptop. As you may know 1920x1080 14" displays need 150% fractional scaling to be viable. Fractional scaling worked fine on KDE and all was well, although I never liked KDE all that much.
Shortly before Solus crashed and burned in late 2022, I started having another, different issue. For whatever reason (I never did figure it out) Microsoft Edge (Flatpak installation) started opening and then immediately closing. I was a few weeks into trying to figure it out (working with the Edge/Flatpak team) but we didn't have time to figure it out before Solus went down.
At that point I moved to Kubuntu, which worked fine with respect to both fractional scaling and Edge/Flatpak, although KDE and I aren't a happy marriage. I tried Solus Plasma again in the late 2023 but got nowhere fast on the Edge/Flatpak issue. Tired of KDE, I eventually moved on the LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition), which has the Cinnamon desktop, which works okay with fractional scaling (experimental). I have not had the issues that you report.
I installed Budgie on a non-production 14" laptop in early January. So far, Edge/Flatpak has worked steadily, but, of course, the fractional scaling issue reared its head immediately. I've been getting by with text scaling, but I will need fractional scaling for long-term viability.
I very much like LMDE 6 (the meld of Debian's stability and security with Mint/Cinnamon's simplicity is as close to "no fuss, no muss, no thrills, no chills" as I've encountered in the years I've used Linux), but I miss Solus and Budgie's elegance. So I am hoping that Josh and the Budgie gang can get fractional scaling working in Budgie.
We'll see what happens, I guess.