Why on earth are multiply of my posts in "Show Your Solus" thread deleted? Especially screenshots of KDE got deleted. - If I broke a rule I expect to be contacted.


When were these posts made? I'm not seeing any recent deleted posts in that thread.

I see you going back to last year, did not scroll up anymore. I've seen Flarum anomalies before..

  • Edited

As already stated there do not appear to be any of your posts deleted.

The only thing I can think of is we have had people complain before thinking their posts were deleted when they were not because in large threads sometimes when you jump around the post history it does not load properly and says [unknown user] or [deleted user] I can't remember exactly. Refreshing usually resolves it if that is the issue, but I could not make it happen today trying to get a screenshot of it.

    I truly trust the forum Ops Dont think that would ever happen so something funky must have went on.
    I do know its funky about showing me content sometimes its old posts sometimes by the time I see it
    Mostly with new started threads I think (I get the feeling it might be a time thing sometimes I dont see it
    till next morning Us time here) Dunno
    Been around before and after transition so seen alot and personally this is the best bunch
    everybody knows my high reguards for our little spot in the world.

    Harvey sometimes when you jump around the post history it does not load properly and says [unknown user] or [deleted user] I can't remember exactly.

    can confirm this has happened to me a couple times.

    Yeah, it's a flarum quirk, nothing to worry about.

    Okay, if it's a forum issue, I'm all good. I was looking a year back because someone mass liked my posts in there.

    We all enjoy seeing your artistic talent