I want to install Solus XFCE on an old Dell Laptop.
All works fine, bute the installation ends with an error message.
"program <i>/usr/bin/eopkg ar Solus https://cdn.getsol.us/repo/shannon/eopkg-index.xml/xz could not be completed within 30 seconds.
The internet connection of the laptop is working.
When I try to find anything on this internet address, the screen remains empty.
Can you please help me?
Installation of Solus XFCE fails
- Edited
This issue is being tracked here. For the next ISO coming Soon, the timeout has been increased to 300 seconds, which should effectively solve this issue.
In the meantime, you can edit /usr/share/calamares/modules/shellprocess_postinstall.conf
and add a timeout by changing the line with eopkg ar
to this, substituting whatever value for the timeout you want:
- command: "/usr/bin/eopkg ar Solus https://cdn.getsol.us/repo/shannon/eopkg-index.xml.xz"
timeout: 60