I want to install Solus XFCE on an old Dell Laptop.
All works fine, bute the installation ends with an error message.
"program <i>/usr/bin/eopkg ar Solus https://cdn.getsol.us/repo/shannon/eopkg-index.xml/xz could not be completed within 30 seconds.
The internet connection of the laptop is working.
When I try to find anything on this internet address, the screen remains empty.
Can you please help me?

This issue is being tracked here. For the next ISO coming Soon™️, the timeout has been increased to 300 seconds, which should effectively solve this issue.

In the meantime, you can edit /usr/share/calamares/modules/shellprocess_postinstall.conf and add a timeout by changing the line with eopkg ar to this, substituting whatever value for the timeout you want:

    - command: "/usr/bin/eopkg ar Solus https://cdn.getsol.us/repo/shannon/eopkg-index.xml.xz"
      timeout: 60