Hey folks, we'd like your feedback on whether you use Wayland and/or X11. If you had a need to run one or the other, we are very interested in hearing that.

Are there applications that only work in one of them?
Are there features only available in one but not the other?
Let us know!

Please keep comments based on the needs you have, and avoid emotionally charged comments. Thanks!

What display server do you use?

This poll has ended.

For me, I only use Wayland unless I have something specific to test in X11.

Challenges in Wayland:

  • barrier (kvm software) does not work at all. This may be replaced by input-leap (actively developed)
  • AutoKey works but is crashy and there are other small bugs

only wayland for i dont know, must be almost 2 years, gnome and plasma. no issues at all anymore (plasma had a few minor issues but not anymore), everything i use works

Only X11 on Plasma for me as with wayland you cant do anything on my old machine with modern nvidia card. Mouse hardly moves on wayland and trying to action a log off is extremely frustrating. Clicking on settings to change back to x11 setting never opens so end up editing a conf file from another OS on same machine to boot into x11,

    banger Clicking on settings to change back to x11 setting

    Isn't it a different session to select from the login screen?

      Ever since updating our egl-wayland package, which I needed to test in a GNOME Wayland session, I've been pretty much using it exclusively. There have been some pain points, like the Vulkan issue we've only recently been able to figure out, and I don't like at all how notifications work (having to click twice, first on the original notification, then on the one telling me that "X window is now ready"). Apart from that it's been pretty smooth, also in a literal sense, with no screen tearing.

      KDE with Plasma only
      I'm a power user when it comes to usage, but not when it comes to the number of programs.
      I get by with about a dozen programs and none of them have any problems under wayland.
      neither native apps nor flatpaks

        I switched to wayland a few month ago and im fine with it.
        m on Plasma and use x11 only rarely.

        AlphaElwedritsch I get by with about a dozen programs and none of them have any problems under wayland.

        Interesting. I could have written this.

        I use only KDE Wayland because i can enable and disable vrr (variable refresh rate) per application with the kde window rules, useful for apps and games that cause flickering.

        So, usually I use GNOME wayland, just because GNOME is dropping X11 support gradually. For instance scrolling mouse wheel while holding super key will cycle through workspaces, but only on wayland. And it's a nice enough feature that makes me using wayland.
        On some occasions though, I switch to x11, for instance when I wanna run some scripts that rely on X11 since they are using xdotools i.e.

        AlphaElwedritsch thank you. I like to keep up with the Budgie news.

        BTW Strobl said this was still a ways off for Budgie early this year...but isn't Fedora or another Distro already doing Budgie/Wayland.
        Anyways, it's lateπŸ™‚

          Very committed to X11, because Budgie is one of my dependencies.... but there are a growing number of things i would love to do that I cant until I get Wayland... like pinch/zoom, scolling speed adjustments, etc.

          For those of you who don't use Wayland because you have a Nvidia GPU and experienced significant performance issues, please keep watch over the next few syncs. We'll have something to announce on that front.

          Wayland exclusively w/KDE Plasma 6+ on my Workstation (way better than with KDE Plasma 5 IME).

          On my HTPC, I'm helping Evan test our Xfce edition, so that's obviously X11 until Xfce offers a (stable) wayland experience.

          When I log into GNOME, I also use Wayland.

          Wayland. It just seems to have so many features straight out of the box. I don't game or use Nvidia graphics so there are no compatibility issues. I like the KDE range of programs and that when using a different wayland based distro I mostly know what to expect from the installed software. Plenty of quality updates, everything is loading faster than six months back.

          brent year...but isn't Fedora or another Distro already doing Budgie/Wayland.

          Josh is developing Budgie components for Wayland while using Fedora, and fossfreedom is testing a Budgie Wayland session with UbuntuBudgie. Both efforts are important, but are not ready for anyone else to try. It's all pretty exciting, though!