Heya folks! It's Friday, and that means it's time for the weekly Solus roundup!

Our Bash package has some enhancements this week. History append has been enabled by default, instead of overwriting with multiple terminals. The ignoreddups option has been enabled, meaning that the same lines executed consecutively will not be written to the history. erasedups has also been enabled, so that if a line already exists in the history, it will be erased. Lastly, the history size has been increased from 1000 to 1500 lines.

KDE Plasma has been updated to 6.1.5. This is a bugfix release, including allowing activating clients in drag and drop in Screenedge, fixing keyboard navigation getting stuck inside gridviews in applets, and fix copying cells when images are ignored in Klipper.

The kernels have been updated to the latest releases in their series this week, 6.10.9 for current and 6.6.50 for LTS. Syscall tracing and kernel profiling support has also been enabled. A patch has also been backported to fix a performance regression with AMDGPU on the 6.10 kernel branch.

Glibc has been updated to 2.40, enabling more C23 features and performance tunables on x86_64, along with a bunch of other improvements. See here for more information.

VirtualBox was updated to 7.1 this week. This is a major update with several new features and bug fixes. Notably, it now uses Qt6 instead of Qt5. The release announcement can be found here.

We released a blog post earlier this week detailing our plans regarding Usr-Merge. If you haven't yet seen it, be sure to check it out!

We have a bunch of deprecations this week:

  • mono-addins
  • xcape
  • xboxdrv
  • mono-basic
  • glabels
  • git-flow
  • gestures

These projects are no longer maintained upstream and/or no longer build with updated toolchains, and so have been removed from the Solus repository.

Our Solus Cleanup Crewℒ️ has been hard at work this week bringing the repository up to current standards:

Most of these tasks are beginner-friendly, and can be a great way to learn Solus packaging. We invite anyone that has the time and inclination to join us!

If you would like to join:

  1. Join Solus Packaging Room on Matrix
  2. Read and practice our packaging documentation
  3. Submit your first Pull Request. We recommend doing the homepage task
  4. Follow along the review process until your PR gets merged
  5. Continue on contributing!

Security updates

There are a couple of security updates this week. Make sure you are fully up to date!

General updates

The full list of updated packages can be found here.

That’s all for this week, folks! We'll be here same time, same place next week for another roundup of the news!

How did the sync go for you?

This poll has ended.

All good updates received kindly. πŸ™‚

No issues, audio working and nvidia discrete graphics card working normally.

Since 3 updates ago, no vulkan drivers

inxi -G

Device-1: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Mullins [Radeon R4/R5 Graphics]
driver: radeon v: kernel
Device-2: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Sun XT [Radeon HD
8670A/8670M/8690M / R5 M330 M430 Radeon 520 Mobile] driver: radeon
v: kernel
Device-3: Cheng Uei Precision Industry (Foxlink) HP TrueVision HD
driver: uvcvideo type: USB
Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.13 with: Xwayland v: 24.1.2 driver: X:
loaded: amdgpu unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa dri: radeonsi gpu: radeon
resolution: 1366x76860Hz
API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: kms_swrast,radeonsi,swrast
platforms: gbm,x11,surfaceless,device
API: OpenGL v: 4.5 vendor: amd mesa v: 24.2.2 renderer: KABINI (radeonsi
LLVM 18.1.8 DRM 2.50 6.10.9-302.current)
API: Vulkan v: 1.3.290 drivers: N/A surfaces: xcb,xlib

Any advice?

    Added VirtualBox 7.1 to the notable updates list in the original post.

    majunia28 ReillyBrogan I am running into a set of issues which I believe is caused by the missing vulkan drivers. Another user was also running into the same issue, we documented it here.
    My inxi -G output is largely the same showing that the vulkan drivers are missing:

    inxi -G
      Device-1: NVIDIA GP104 [GeForce GTX 1070 Ti] driver: nvidia v: 560.35.03
      Display: x11 server: X.Org v: 21.1.13 with: Xwayland v: 24.1.2 driver: X:
        loaded: nouveau unloaded: fbdev,modesetting,vesa dri: nouveau
        gpu: nvidia,nvidia-nvswitch resolution: 1: 2560x1440~165Hz 2: 1920x1080
      API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: nvidia,swrast
        platforms: gbm,x11,surfaceless,device
      API: OpenGL v: 4.6.0 compat-v: 4.5 vendor: nvidia mesa v: 560.35.03
        renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
      API: Vulkan v: 1.3.290 drivers: N/A surfaces: xcb,xlib

    I got an initrd error that brick my system. I manage to log in with previous .conf

    I'm unsure how to debug/log reading it as I never had that kind of error before.

      Two machines laptop with Budgie and desktop with Gnome both updated fine.

      No problems to report πŸ™‚

      SethStorm666 I got an initrd error that brick my system. I manage to log in with previous .conf

      I'm unsure how to debug/log reading it as I never had that kind of error before.

      Have you fixed it or is it still bricked Seth. Must admit I am doing a Rescuezilla back up each week.

        SethStorm666 When the error screen appear, hit <ctrl>+<alt><F7>
        Then choose previous .conf file

        Good to know. πŸ™‚

        Veracrypt has Update and includes wayland

        Maybe Solus update it for the wayland users

        Aw, fsck!

        Although everything installed okay, as I said up above, not all is working okay now. Friday night I hibernated my laptop, as usual, and Saturday morning it appeared to restore normally - all workspaces, all apps just th way I left them the night before, etc. Then I got the message that there's "no Internet."

        Indeed, I wasn't connected, and couldn't connect until I shut down and restarted the laptop. I thought it might be a one-time glitch, or I'd done something wrong myself, and since everything was now working well, I went on with my Saturday chores, and forgot all about it.

        Saturday night, as usual, I again hibernated the laptop, and Sunday morning it again appeared to restore everything correctly -- until I tried to access the network. Once more, there was "no Internet" and I now realized it wasn't a one-time glitch. I rebooted, but that didn't resolve anything. So I shut down the laptop and restarted it, after which everything worked properly again. This had never happened before this most recent update.

        I don't know whether this is a Solus issue, or a KDE issue. I'd be interested to hear from anyone else who has had the same problem, especially if you're running a different DE than Plasma.

          WetGeek Then I got the message that there's "no Internet."

          Thinking that this might have something to do with the procedure that copies all of RAM to the swap area, I carefully avoided hibernating my computer last night. Instead, I just had it "sleep" instead. Since that avoids the storage and retrieval of all the RAM, I thought it might avoid the error as well.

          But it didn't. This morning, I got the same "No internet" error screen when I tried to use the laptop. So I simply shut it down and restarted, and indeed, the network was fine.

          So, apparently the hibrnation is a red herring that has nothing to do with the problem. It's 100% reproducible without hibernating.