If sudo eopkg check
is reporting files as corrupt or missing at these paths it is incorrect and there is nothing the user can do:
This is happening due to some symlinks we had to add due to a failed usr-merge attempt leaving users systems in multiple different install states. These symlinks are a safe guard keeping user systems functional while we implement a better solution (Currently in the testing phase). The downside is that eopkg thinks something is broken when it is not. Reilly updated eopkg to ignore some paths preventing these false reports but some paths were overlooked.
does not appear to be a package that is reporting as broken incorrectly. But it should be said that if a user deletes or modifies files that are shipped as part of a package then then sudo eopkg check
will correctly report that package as broken.
Finally since I mentioned golang
I should point out it is incorrectly reporting as broken for a completely different reason.