Is anyone else experiencing this? I've often used KDE Connect to transfer photos I've taken with my phone to my laptp, and then used them in Telegram conversations. Today that stopped working. KDE Connect on my phone can't detect any other devices on my network, and neither can KDE Connect on my laptop.
When I checked on the KDE forum, there are similar issues, but the answer to them there seems to be:
"Your firewall needs to open input TCP ports 1716, 1739-1741 KDE Connect app on your phone will use TCP ports >1023 as source port You also need to allow input UDP port 1716. KDE Connect app on your phone will use UDP 1716 as well as source port."
To the best of my knowlege, I don't use a firewall in Solus, preferring to depend on my router, which has never let me down. Is Solus suddently filtering what can be accessed on my internal network?
I've used KDE Connect to transfer photos as recently as a few days ago.