banger I currently have 4gb ram and a 3gb swap partition according to swapon in terminal. Looking at fstab in /etc it looks totally different to other distros I have seen and this is where I would normally add my dedicated 5gb swap partition to the system just for some extra headroom. Is it possible, whats the format in fstab if thats the way as there is only a reference to temp files in the Solus fstab.
banger NAME TYPE SIZE USED PRIO /dev/zram0 partition 3G 3G 100 /dev/sdc5 partition 4.9G 18M -2 Think I have worked it out, fstab is the same as other distros as you can see swapon seems to say its working.
Staudey Pretty sure the fstab file just uses the standard format. If you're confused why you see two swap entries with swapon but only one in fstab, that's because the second one (/dev/zramX) is handled by zram
Staudey Yeah, zram is pretty nice. I noticed a big difference while packaging back when I still only had 8GB of RAM.