Plasmashell crashed while I was deleting a panel with widgets on it. I sent the automatic report with a note of what I was doing at the time. Also my desktop weather widget disappeared. Tried to re-add it but it also errored. Something about file access so rebooted and it was ok to add to desktop again and configure. Hope this is just a little bug and gets fixed easily.
Plasmashell crashed
The automatic report does not go to Solus it goes to KDE, the makers of what crashed.
6 days later
- Best Answerset by TraceyC
Crashes are definitely a problem in Plasma itself, and not something we can fix. As Harvey said, your report went to the people who can resolve the crashing code.
For your weather widget, search to see if there's an open issue in the KDE bug tracker If not, feel free to report it there.